General Orientation – FEP Binus University 2016

BBN 07


Hahaha~ Welcome to my Blog!~

This is my first blog and this is created because I have to. You know, I was tasked to make a blog about my activities when attending the Freshmen Enrichment Program at Binus University. I don’t really sure what to write, just read it.



So this is technically an orientation, when you are introduced to the facilities, systems, and everything you need to know when studying here.

I thought it was because the students are too many, they group us into 5 waves. ABN, BBN, CBN, DBN, and EBN. I got BBN, and I was placed at the class BBN07.

So my class consists of 2 different majors, Cyber Security and Game Application and Technology. I am Cyber Security btw.


So mostly, we got seminars. How to survive the campus life, what will we do, what shoud we do, what we shouldn’t do, how is the system, etc was given by seminars. Actually, it’s a little boring if it wasn’t because of our Buddy Coordinatior, the seniors that guided us, made it fun. They shared their previous campus life and explained the ppt nicely.

Enough with the seminars, you actually know what you should or shouldn’t do in a campus. So we are actually just trying to know our new friends. But there’s one that we all enjoyed the most. Bunga Rampai, or should I say, campus organization showcase. Here, all of the campus organization showed us what do they do and ask us to join them. They did some cool actions and showed very cool videos that really lure me in. Then after we decided our decision about which one we want to join, an Expo exhibited at one of the campus. All of the organizations host a stand or a room and showcased their product. There, we can join the organization as well as asking them further about their organization.

By first, I was confused about which one I want to join. The marketing did a very well job. But after 1000 years of meditating, I decided to join BGDC, Binus Game Development Club. I feel a little guilty by not joining the Cyber Security Club but they require some joining fee, so I decided to join just one.

Well, that is one I really enjoyed the most. The rest? Well, what do you expect from seminars? But I enjoyed them so much. I got to know my gentle seniors and new friends as well as friends outside my major, that’s what an orientation really does.

So that’s it. If you are my seniors and is reading this, I hope your GO was as fun as this and if you are my juniors, believe me, you will have so much fun.

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